Memória do Café: Recent submissions

  • Autor desconhecido (1933-09)
    Following the negotiations inaugurated between the State Departament and the Minister from Colombia, last week, for the first of a series of new commercial treaties with our neighbors to the south, exploratory conversations ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1933-03)
    With continued dull trading, the month of February passed with little that was of interest on the New York Coffee Exchange. The nearby futures showed some decline, while the more distant months showed slight gains, which ...
  • Martins Filho, Marcelino (1954-11)
    Coffee growing in Brazil acquired international importance only from the time it spread throughout the Paraiba River valley, a vast sub-tropical “belt”, tributary to a large extent to the port of Rio de Janeiro. The precious ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1953-10)
    Coffee was introduced in brazil in 1727 – more than two centuries ago. Since then, the expansion of the coffee industry has never ceased and new growing areas have been constantly opened. Coffee has also been an increasingly ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-09)
    According to information received from the interior, the flowering of coffee trees is well advanced in some districts, such as the North of the State of Parana, lower Sorocabana and some parts of the Noroeste Railway. In ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-09)
    F. Eugen Nortz, of Nortz & Co., coffee brokers, New York, returned from a visit to Europe and Brazil, on the “Southern Cross”, September 13 th . He made the trip from Europe to Brazil by Zeppelin, reaching Brazil on August ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-10)
    In Brazilian press interview, reported to the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange, October 10, the President of the Departamento Nacional do Café stated first that following full study under the Constitution the suggestions ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1939-03)
    The Santo Andre Coffee Factory illustrated at the top of the page is operated by the Sao Paulo Cooperative Coffee Federation with the assistance of the DNC Technical Service. It is equipped with every device for sanitary ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-09)
    Coffee deliveries to world consumption during July and August – the first two months of the crop year – were 3,575 bags, against 3,811,304 bags in the same period of 1933 – a decline of 6.5 per cent. In the United States ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-11)
    With almost nothing of an eventual character to affect it either way, the trading on the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange from the beginning of the month registered a few points lower for two-thirds of the trading days, ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-11)
    Listlessness marked trading on the New York Stock Exchangeduring the month of October. The advances registered during the preceding two months in both Santos 4s and Rio 7s, while small, were halted. Santos 4s, closing at ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-03)
    Hopes of the end of the year that there would be an advance in coffee prices seem, as yet, unrealized. There is more or less trade talk of greater warehoused stocks in the country than were anticipated at that time. The ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1970-11)
    The International Coffee Agreement of 1968 is a five-year pact designed to expire in 1976. At the time that this Agreement was made, it replaced the Agreement of 1963, and expectations were that in 1973, a new five-year ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-05)
    “Destruction of coffee in Brazil to April 30 totaled 26,810,000 bags, according to cables received by the New York Coffee & Sugar Exchange. Destruction has been accelerated after a sharp decrease in rate during the first ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-10)
    Following the lead started in August, coffee continued its rise in price in September on the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange. The rise was not great, but it was an encouraging change from the continuous drop since the ...
  • Andrade, Theophilo de (1939-09)
    Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 15 – The first month of the new coffee crop was not very encouraging, with deliveries from the interior less than July of last year. Exports were also lower, the July total being 1,-162,738 bags as ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1955-09)
    Regulations covering the new coffee crop have now largely been completed. The Bank of Brazil set the first part of the new 1955-56 pattern by fixing the loan basis for Santos type 4 at ports at Cr$ 1,950 per 60-kilo bag, ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1955-12)
    Na reunião semanal da Sociedade Rural Brasileira de 9 de Novembro findo, passou o sr. Raul Diederichsen a tratar inicialmente da questão dos preços do café, dando ciência dos comentários que a respeito fez a revista do ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1958-04)
    Realizou-se em 28 de fevereiro p. p., o ato de posse da nova diretoria da Associação Paulista de Cafeicultores. A reunião foi instalada pelo sr. José Americo Sampaio, presidente cujo mandato cessara S.s. convidou para ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1966-05)
    Visando ‘consecução das providencias essenciais e das quais resultem a composição valida e construtiva de uma verdadeira política de café’, a Sociedade Rural Brasil enviou ao sr. Governador Paulo Pimentel, do Paraná, o ...

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