Memória do Café: Recent submissions

  • Ukers, William H. (1934-09)
    Rolling down to Rio is very different in 1934 from what is was 46 years ago when Louis R. Gray of Arbuckle’s’ first made the trip; or in 1898 when Leslie C. Greenland came out from England. And the late Jock Mc Kinlay, ...
  • Ukers, William H. (1934-11)
    Although coffee is not indigenous to Brazil, the Fates have made it the world’s greatest coffee-producing country. The area suitable for coffee cultivation covers 1,158,000 square miles, more than one-third the area of ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-09)
    Dr. Oswaldo Aranha, the newly appointed Ambassador of Brazil to the United States, arrived in New York on the Rex, from Italy, on September 13 th . In the Brazilian Committee of the Pan American Society at the Waldorf-Astroia. ...
  • Lane, Mincing (1935-09)
    The Brazilian Warrant Agency and Finance Company, Limited, according to the statement of Mr. A. Whitworth, Chairman, at the annual meeting, paid for the year 1934 4 per cent on its Ordinary Shares, made possible through ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1953-10)
    Curitiba, September 21 – The Centennial Celebration marking the 100 th anniversary of the State of Parana as an autonomous state within the Brazil Federation will open in Curitiba, capital of Parana, on December 19, 1953. ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1933-05)
    As soon as the announcement concerning Brazil’s latest coffee bonus in kind reached this country there arose a wave of protest from coffee roasters and distributers all over the United States. Chairman Hebert Delafield of ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-03)
    The Federal Government of Brazil decreed a new four-year plan for the foreign debts of Brazilian Federal, State, and Municipal Governments, on February 5 th . The new plan, which recognizes the fact that full debt service ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-09)
    Mr. Feugen Nortz, of Nortz & Co., New York , who with his son, Paul Nortz the latter a member of the United States Delegation of coffee traders visiting Brazil has been marking a detailed study of coffee growing conditions ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-11)
    Producing the best quality possible of the various types of Brazil coffee is the aim of the Departamento Nacional do Café (DNC). Making this product available when and as desired to the various consuming countries is another ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1972-09)
    The coffee trade people in Europe were finding the going pretty rough. Most of them were hoping for a break and looking back on „the good old days‟ of the 1960‟s.
  • Autor desconhecido (1952-05)
    Addressing a joint session of the Brazil Chamber of Deputies and the Senate on March 15, President Getulio Vargas outlined concretely the gains, problems and setbacks registred by Brazil’s economy during the first year of ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1939-10)
    Rio de Janeiro Sep. 15 – The European war to date affects four of Brazil’s best customers, two of which, France and Germany, may be classed as first class coffee buyers. For Brazil this is of extraordinary significance, ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1933-05)
    The National Coffee Department, in its endeavor to meet foreign coffee-price competition without reducing prices, has conceived and put in execution, as of April 17, a 10 per cent bonus in kind on all coffee exports.
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-05)
    A cable received by the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange from Brazil, April 25, gives details of a proposed plan submitted to the Brazilian Congress, as follows.
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-09)
    The economic activities of the State of São Paulo are reviewed by Critica (Buenos Aires), along with numerous items on culture, history, and general development, in a special number intended for sale on the streets of São ...
  • Ukers, William H. (1934-09)
    Americans are beginning to understand something of the vastness of Brazil . If all Brazil’s twenty-one states were fitted into the United States there would be enough left over for a state larger than Texas. In area it is ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1936-03)
    The activity of the previous month on the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange decreased during February. Likewise, the advances in quotations in January were not repeated in February, the month ending in recessions in both ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-09)
    São Paulo, August 18, 1934, - Upon the completion of the tour of the Brazil coffee Delegation, issued [...] official statement to press, giving the delegation’s impressions of the trip and expressing appreciation of ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-09)
    While August coffee trading on the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange rose and fell from day to much in the same way as during the preceding months of this year, a slight gain in prices is shown. Santos 4s advanced 27 to ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1933-11)
    A letter in the New York Times, November 2, from a writer signing himself as Director of the Brazil Information Service, New York City, states that news of impending revolutionary activities in São Paulo and Rio Grande do ...

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