Nutritional efficiency is a term used to characterize plants in their capacity to uptake and use nutrients, being related to the efficiency of uptake, translocation, and utilization of nutrients. Different coffee genotypes are expected to exhibit variability in their nutritional efficiency. This work aimed to evaluate the phosphorus nutritional efficiency in arabica coffee genotypes. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse of the Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG), located in the municipality of Lavras – Minas Gerais, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design, in a 10x2 factorial scheme (10 arabica coffee genotypes and two dosages of phosphate fertilization), with four replicates. Each experimental plot consisted of one pot with ten liters of soil, with one plant. The cultivars Catiguá MG2, MGS Ametista and Sarchimor MG 8840 are neither efficient nor responsive to phosphate fertilization. Progeny H 6-47-10 pl. 3 and the cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 are not efficient but are responsive to phosphate fertilization. The cultivars Paraíso MG H 419-1, Topázio MG 1190 and MGS Paraíso 2 are efficient but are not responsive to phosphate fertilization. The cultivars Bourbon Amarelo IAC J10 and MGS Aranãs are efficient and responsive to phosphate fertilization.