Memória do Café: Recent submissions

  • Autor desconhecido (1934-03)
    Santos, February 14, 1934. – According to telegraphic information from the Brazilian Embassy in Paris, the French Government has just revoked the part of the decree of October 30 last which established a surtax on entries ...
  • Delaval Filho, Torino (1971-11)
    Rio de Janeiro, October 22 – The coffee picture is confused considerably at this time largely due to the fact the coffee ports of the United States continue to remain closed, or at least no cargo can be landed due to a ...
  • Dalton, Jack (1934-09)
    When the editor told me to slip into his suit-case and go along as reporter for the doings of the group of coffee men invited to visit Brazil as guests of the National Coffee Department, I was delighted to accept the ...
  • Aaker, john R. (1954-11)
    The year 1954 may well mark a turning point for the coffee industry in the U. S. Not only have substantial adjustments occurred in prices, production and consumption, establishing a new economic climate, but widespread ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-09)
    “On August 22 the Executive Committee of the Pacific luncheon at the Bohemian Club in honor of Dr. Oswaldo Aranha, Brazil’s Ambassador to the United States. Dr. Aranha drove from Washington on a pleasure trip via Chicago ...
  • Andrade, Theophilo de (1940-10)
    Rio de Janeiro, September 15 – The coffee situation in Brazil continues unsettled as is the case in all other coffee producing countries. Notwithstanding, the level of prices is not too bad compared to competitors in the ...
  • Cintra-Leite, Horacio (1953-10)
    The First World Coffee Congress and the International Coffee Exhibition are a great tribute to the 100 th Anniversary of Paraná and to the inspiration and vision of Dr. Vento Munhoz de Rocha Neto, Governor of Parana. In ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1933-03)
    The Federal Interventor has signed a decree covering the reorganization of the São Paulo Coffee Institute. In accordance with this decree the Institute will continue in charge of the defense of the coffee growers in this ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-03)
    Santos, February 14,1934. – On the 10th of this month the Departmento Nacional do Café passed its first anniversary as the successor of the former National Coffee Council; in other words it is just a year ago since the ...
  • Delgado, C. Puyo (1955-03)
    Recent decisions in Brazil in connection with her foreign exchange rates have been a cause for considerable consternation to the coffee industry in Colombia. While it is understood that domestic politics played a part in ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1933-03)
    The Federal Government has extinguished the National Council, creating in substation, the National Coffee Department, subordinated to the Ministry of Finance. With this measure the Government intends to stabilize the coffee ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-03)
    Rio de Janeiro, Feb. 2, 1934. – Following the audit of Brazil’s retained stocks of coffee by the Brazilian Institute of Accountancy and the English chartered accountants, Mac Auliffe, Davis, Bell &Co., the National Department ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-03)
    The drop in the price of Brazil coffees due to new Exchange regulations, which permit drafts to be sold to any authorized bank which in turn sells the Bank of Brazil coffees now more attractive in comparison with Central ...
  • C., Andres Uribe (1954-11)
    On the night of July 5, 1953, great blasts of freezing air swept the southern expanses of South America. They thundered over the snow-covered ranges of the lofty Andes and churned across the rolling coffee lands of Brazil. ...
  • Borchsenuis, Carl (1953-09)
    During the past few years, I have made regular trips to the interior of Brazil. The impressions of the new plantations in Parana were always most pleasant for a man who makes his livelihood in coffee, and who wants to see ...
  • Andrade, Theophilo de (1940-06)
    During the month there was held a meeting of the Consulting Council of the National Coffee Department, for the purpose of discussing the rendering of accounts by the Board of Directors, and for discussion of the percentage ...
  • Aborn, Edward (1953-10)
    On behalf of the National Coffee Association, I extend sincerest good wishes to our friends in Parana on the forthcoming celebration of their one hundreth year of Brazilian statehood.
  • Autor desconhecido (1979-03)
    Técnicos e cafeicultores da Cooperativa dos Cafeicultores de Guaxupé, cidade localizada a 490 quilômetros de Belo Horizonte, estão mantendo contatos com grupos empresariais para ver da possibilidade de ser implantada naquela ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1959-03)
    Acaba de regressar dos Estados Unidos o nosso amigo e consórcio, da Sociedade Rural Brasileira, dr. Thomaz Alberto Whately, que foi ouvido pela reportagem de „A Rural‟ quando conversava com o dr. Raul Diederichsen, vice- ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1957-06)
    Tese defendida pela Sociedade Rural Brasileira na reunião, no I.B.C., da Comissão destinada a elaborar uma política do café a longo prazo.” [...] “Circunstâncias adversas [...] Previsão de excedentes [...] O controle da ...

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