Biblioteca do Café

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Navegação Memória do Café por título

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  • Autor desconhecido (1955-09)
    Regulations covering the new coffee crop have now largely been completed. The Bank of Brazil set the first part of the new 1955-56 pattern by fixing the loan basis for Santos type 4 at ports at Cr$ 1,950 per 60-kilo bag, ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1933-11)
    A complete new directorate for the Coffee Institute of São Paulo is the resignation of Dr. Taylor de Oliveira last week for reasons connected with his private business interests soon will be followed by the resignation of ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1936-03)
    The activity of the previous month on the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange decreased during February. Likewise, the advances in quotations in January were not repeated in February, the month ending in recessions in both ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-03)
    Hopes of the end of the year that there would be an advance in coffee prices seem, as yet, unrealized. There is more or less trade talk of greater warehoused stocks in the country than were anticipated at that time. The ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-05)
    “Destruction of coffee in Brazil to April 30 totaled 26,810,000 bags, according to cables received by the New York Coffee & Sugar Exchange. Destruction has been accelerated after a sharp decrease in rate during the first ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-11)
    Listlessness marked trading on the New York Stock Exchangeduring the month of October. The advances registered during the preceding two months in both Santos 4s and Rio 7s, while small, were halted. Santos 4s, closing at ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-11)
    With almost nothing of an eventual character to affect it either way, the trading on the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange from the beginning of the month registered a few points lower for two-thirds of the trading days, ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1933-03)
    With continued dull trading, the month of February passed with little that was of interest on the New York Coffee Exchange. The nearby futures showed some decline, while the more distant months showed slight gains, which ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-09)
    Coffee deliveries to world consumption during July and August – the first two months of the crop year – were 3,575 bags, against 3,811,304 bags in the same period of 1933 – a decline of 6.5 per cent. In the United States ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-10)
    The coffee trade during September had little incentive for activity and was generally slow. A declining market characterized the beginning of the month and the succeeding weeks registred a few points up or down with the ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-10)
    Following the lead started in August, coffee continued its rise in price in September on the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange. The rise was not great, but it was an encouraging change from the continuous drop since the ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1935-09)
    While August coffee trading on the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange rose and fell from day to much in the same way as during the preceding months of this year, a slight gain in prices is shown. Santos 4s advanced 27 to ...
  • The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal (1934-06)
    In the long view, the most important problem that confronts the coffee trade of the United States in How to increase the coffee consumption of this country. This same problem applies as well to many other coffee-consuming ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-09)
    São Paulo, August 18, 1934, - Upon the completion of the tour of the Brazil coffee Delegation, issued [...] official statement to press, giving the delegation’s impressions of the trip and expressing appreciation of ...
  • The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal (1935-05)
    Shr. Emerson José Moreira, owner of the General Warehouse at França, who is operating one of the most important mills for the improvement and standardization of coffe types in the State of São Paulo, has presented to the ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1934-10)
    The Department Nacional do Café makes public the contents of a letter received by Dr. Armando Vidal, President of that organization, from Dr. Arthur Torres Filho, First Vice President, acting as President of the Sociedade ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1958-04)
    É com a maior satisfação que “A Rural” recebeu a notícia da fundação da Cooperativa de Cafeicultores de Dourado. Êste município é um daqueles onde a qualidade dos cafés pode ser apontada como de melhor gosto e estilo. A ...
  • Souza, Elza Coelho de (1952-06)
    As fazendas de café com suas inúmeras instalações, formando como que pequenas comunidades e com seus “mares de cafezais”, que em linhas retas, paralelas, estendem-se a perder de vista subindo e descendo colinas, enchem-se ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1957-12)
    A Sociedade Brasileira do Café fez realizar em sua sede, interessante e significativa reunião para comemorar a passagem do 230o aniversário da introdução do café no Brasil. Bem diferente das que são comumente realizadas ...
  • Autor desconhecido (1979-08)
    Se hoje os cafeicultores reclamam da política governamental que lhes impõe um rigoroso confisco cambial e estabelece preços de garantia considerados insatisfatórios, sua situação há precisamente cinquenta anos – próximos ...

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